3/4 HSS Uniflute Countersink 100 Deg
Item #: BC7061166
Manufacturer: M A Ford
Mfg #: 61075004
Technical Specifications:
•Angle: 100° •Body Size: 3/4 •Brand Name: M A Ford •Coating: Uncoated •List No.: 61 •Material: High Speed Steel •Model Number: 61075004 •Number of Flutes: 1 •Overall Length: 2-3/4 •Shank Diameter: 1/2 •Trade Name: Uniflute®
•Designed for general purpose countersinking, chamfering or deburring •Self piloting and completely –chatterless •No secondary burrs formed •Easily resharpened •Steam homogeneous surface treatment (blackening) to prolong tool life and prevent galling
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .2500 •Dimensions - Height: .900 Length: 3.50 Width: .900
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